Our very first Ridgeback "Roderick" was born in 1983, and came from Mwindaji Wa Simba's kennel in Norway.
He was out of Ch Rooinek Jason of Janak, and Ch Kinghunter's Aria Lioneye.
We fell in love with the breed, and in 1991 "Zafa" entered the household. Later in 1994 "Zhelina" became a part of the pack, as her previous owners couldn't keep her any longer.
These two became great friends, and are the foundation bitches for our kennel.
A year later GB,Ch N.S.Uch Jespah Alekzandr of Janak came to live with us. He was the perfect English gentleman, and we are very grateful to Eisabeth and Wilf who trusted us with this wonderful Ridgeback.
We also had a Soft Coated Wheaten terrier, a breed that Tor had for many years before he became involved in Ridgebacks.
We have had many great dogs throughout the years, and today the kennel consists of two Ridgies (Leonie being the fifth generation from our foundation bitch "Zafa"; and five Dachsies. Two of them from Bellomis kennel in Sweden.
The Ridgebacks and the Dachsies go well together, and even though the Dachshund is a smaller breed, they have no problem keeping up with the Ridgebacks for longer walks - They are great friends, and pile up together in bed :-)
Kennel Madahiro has kept it's breeding limited, and we do our best to be true to the breeds we have.
Mentality, health and confirmation often go hand in hand.
We are extremely grateful for the dogs we have had in our lives - and for the great personalities that put a smile on many people's faces during the day.